Rescuing participation: a critique on the dark participation concept


  • Nico Carpentier Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism, Charles University, Czech Republic
  • Ana Duarte Melo Communication and Society Research Centre, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho, Portugal
  • Fábio Ribeiro Department of Humanities, Arts and Communication, School of Human and Social Sciences, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro/ Communication and Society Research Centre, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho, Portugal



conditions of possibility, defining participation, democratic culture, limits of participation, participatory theory, relevance of participation


This article returns to the in-depth theorisations about participation in order to reflect about the nature of participation, and to demonstrate some of the problems inherent to the publications that distinguish between light and dark (forms of) participation. The starting point of the article is a discussion on three limits embedded in the concept of participation. The first limit brings us back to the old discussion on the nature of participation, the focus on power, and what is included and excluded through its definition(s). The second limit of the participation concept thematises a series of distinctions, namely those between participation, its condition of possibility (access and interaction) and its outcomes. The third limit that (potentially) structures participation is the limit imposed by democratic culture. In response to these debates, the article introduces a more positive approach, that focuses on what has been ignored for too long, namely the reasons why participation matters. Here, the article provides a structural reflection on the contributions to the “Rescuing Participation” special issue, and constructs a theoretical model that consists out of three logics, namely a social, political and fantasmagoric logic, allowing us to better understand why participation matters.


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How to Cite

Carpentier, N., Duarte Melo, A., & Ribeiro, F. (2019). Rescuing participation: a critique on the dark participation concept. Comunicação E Sociedade, 36, 17–35.



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