Health communication inquiry and health outcomes


  • Gary L. Kreps Universidade George Mason



Health communication, inquiry, health promotion, health care


This article examines the applications of health communication research to enhancing the delivery of care and the promotion of health. Health communication scholars have the opportunity to inform the work of health care providers and health promotion practitioners to help them accomplish their complex health goals. There are many complex health promotion efforts that might benefit from definitive health communication research, yet are more often guided by good intentions, precedent, and expedience than by strong evidence. The complexity of achieving desired health communication goals, such as influencing health behaviors and guiding health-related decision making, demand strategic guidance from relevant and rigorous research. This article examines strategies for promoting the application of the best health communication research to guide development, implementation, and institutionalization of evidencebased health communication programs, policies, and practices.


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How to Cite

Kreps, G. L. (2012). Health communication inquiry and health outcomes. Comunicação E Sociedade, 11–22.