Advertising and Sustainability: The Case of “The Last Photo” Campaign




symbolic production, sustainability, suicide


The aim of the research was to investigate the construction of scenes for the socio-environmental campaign that won the most awards at the “Cannes Film Festival” in 2023, in order to identify and describe the media discourses that contribute to the production of culture and values in society. A theoretical-methodological analysis was carried out exploring the interactions between advertising, sustainability and symbolic production, with a focus on evaluating the trajectory of the Cannes awards, which recognise advertising as an agent of social and environmental transformation, identifying campaigns in these areas. The corpus was defined by the most awarded campaign in 2023 at Cannes, related to social and/or environmental issues, in this case “The Last Photo”. The analysis was conducted using a discursive approach, considering lexical elements, argumentative techniques, prominence and components external to verbal language. The results of the study showed that the campaign predominantly uses advertising discourse, especially audiovisual adverts exploring social issues. Scenography plays an important role in the construction of these scenes, lending credibility and emotion to the speeches. The campaign’s approach challenges the stereotypes surrounding suicide, using real cases to promote reflection. Transmedia storytelling and accessible language are used to reach audiences effectively.


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Author Biographies

Priscila Kalinke da Silva, Departamento de Linguística, Letras, Comunicação e Artes, Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais, Frutal, Brazil

Priscila Kalinke da Silva has a doctorate in Social Communication from Methodist University, a master’s degree in Education from the State University of Maringá, a postgraduate degree in Communication and Education from Faculdade Cidade Verde, a degree in Economic Sciences from the State University of Maringá, a degree in Social Communication - Journalism from the Higher Education Centre of Paraná and Advertising from the Ingá University Centre. She is a permanent lecturer in the Publicity and Advertising programme at the State University of Minas Gerais. She is vice-coordinator of the research group E-Publicc (Publicisation, Communication and Culture). Her research focuses on advertising and network analysis for social media; communication and education; and the social and environmental responsibility of brands.

Carlos Henrique Sabino Caldas, Departamento de Linguística, Letras, Comunicação e Artes, Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais, Frutal, Brazil

Carlos Henrique Sabino Caldas has a degree in Social Communication - Advertising from Universidade Paulista (2003), a specialisation in Art Education from São Paulo State University (UNESP; 2009), a master’s degree in Communication from UNESP (2013) and a PhD in Communication from UNESP (2018). He has experience in the field of media communication, with an emphasis on communication, innovation and technology, working mainly on the following subjects: advertising creation, multimedia production, interactive audiovisuals, mediatised consumption, advertising and new technologies, audiovisual semiotics, intellectual property in communication and information technologies, communication and technology, new technologies and innovations in audiovisual production and human-computer interaction studies.

Luiz Antonio Feliciano, Departamento de Linguística, Letras, Comunicação e Artes, Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais, Frutal, Brazil

Luiz Antonio Feliciano has a PhD in Education and a masters in Multimedia from the State University of Campinas. He graduated in Social Communication - Publicity and Advertising from the University of Taubaté. He is a full professor at the State University of Minas Gerais, Frutal unit. He is a member and leader of the research group E-Publicc (Publicisation, Communication and Culture). He researches photography, youth and the city. He is deputy editor of the magazine Educação em Foco and a member of the Frutal Academy of Humanities. He is a photographer, documentary maker and poet.

Rogério Gomes Neto, Departamento de Linguística, Letras, Comunicação e Artes, Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais, Frutal, Brazil

Rogério Gomes Neto has a degree in Advertising from Mackenzie University (1999), a specialisation in Communication Theory and Techniques from Faculdade Cásper Líbero (2001) and a master’s degree in Social Communication from the Methodist University of São Paulo (2009). He has professional experience in advertising communications (customer service, planning and media) and in devising and organising trade fairs and events. He is currently a lecturer in the Advertising and Publicity programme at the State University of Minas Gerais, Frutal campus.


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How to Cite

Kalinke da Silva, P., Sabino Caldas, C. H., Feliciano, L. A., & Gomes Neto, R. (2024). Advertising and Sustainability: The Case of “The Last Photo” Campaign. Comunicação E Sociedade, 45, e024011.