Distinguishing Green Marketing From Greenwashing: Insights From Data Analysis of Banco do Brasil S.A. and Natura & Co.





green marketing, greenwashing, social and environmental development, Banco do Brasil, Natura


This study aims to identify the differences between green marketing initiatives and greenwashing, as well as their implications for companies’ social and environmental development practices. It relies on data from Banco do Brasil S.A. and Natura & Co. A qualitative, descriptive and multiple case study was employed, involving an analysis of documents such as annual reports and other publicly available information on the companies’ websites. The documentary analysis was guided by the checklist developed from the theoretical review. The research findings indicate that both organisations analysed adhere to ethical principles when communicating their sustainability efforts in environmental and social dimensions, thus aligning with the green marketing model advocated in scientific literature and distancing them from the representation of greenwashing. Banco do Brasil and Natura & Co., as evidenced in reports available on their websites, demonstrate genuine actions and support projects in both social and environmental domains. Communication with the market and stakeholders includes verifiable details, sources, and documents, establishing credibility and affirming that the reported actions were indeed implemented. Consequently, it is possible to infer that the practices observed align with green marketing rather than greenwashing.


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Author Biographies

Camila da Costa, Universidade Feevale, Novo Hamburgo, Brazil

Camila da Costa holds a bachelor’s degree in Social Communication and a master’s degree in Environmental Quality from Feevale University. She works as an innovation analyst and is a member of the Sustainability Committee of Sicredi Caminho das Águas. Additionally, she volunteers as a mentor at the Feevale University Technology Park — Techpark. She is currently pursuing an executive master’s degree in Business Administration with a focus on project management at the Fundação Getúlio Vargas.

Dusan Schreiber, Universidade Feevale, Novo Hamburgo, Brazil

Dusan Schreiber holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Unisinos University, specialising in Business Consultancy from the University of São Paulo and in Financial Administration from Unisinos. He also has a master’s degree in Business Administration from Unisinos and a doctorate in Business Administration from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, focusing on innovation, technology, and sustainability. Since 2010, he has served as a full professor at Feevale University. Dusan is a permanent lecturer in the master’s and doctorate programmes in Environmental Quality, the professional master’s program in Creative Industry, and the master’s program in Business Administration at Feevale University. He has been a researcher with a productivity grant from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development since 2018, leading the Management Research Group since 2010 and serving as a full member of the Advisory Committee of Fundação de Amparo since 2019.

Paola Schmitt Figueiró, Universidade Feevale, Novo Hamburgo, Brazil

Paola Schmitt Figueiró holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the Federal University of Santa Maria. She holds a master’s and PhD in Business Administration from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, focusing on innovation, technology and sustainability. Additionally, she completed a PhD at HEC Montréal, Canada. She is a professor and researcher in the Postgraduate Programme in Administration at Feevale University, Rio Grande do Sul. She specialises in environmental, social and corporate governance. Her areas of expertise encompass education for sustainability in higher education, environmental, social, and corporate governance, social innovation and social impact businesses, as well as diversity and inclusion management. Furthermore, she serves as a business mentor at the Feevale University Technology Park — Techpark.

Luciane Pereira Viana, Universidade Feevale, Novo Hamburgo, Brazil

Luciane Pereira Viana holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Feevale University. She holds a master’s degree in Cultural Processes and Manifestations and a doctorate in Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion from Feevale University. Additionally, she completed a post-doctorate in Administration. She specialises in strategic marketing. Luciane serves as a lecturer at the Evangelical Foundation of Novo Hamburgo. Her research interests include marketing and branding, consumer experiences, cyberculture, diversity management, and inclusion. 


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How to Cite

Costa, C. da, Schreiber, D., Figueiró, P. S., & Viana, L. P. (2024). Distinguishing Green Marketing From Greenwashing: Insights From Data Analysis of Banco do Brasil S.A. and Natura & Co . Comunicação E Sociedade, 45, e024002. https://doi.org/10.17231/comsoc.45(2024).5154