Review Forms

The journal has two review forms depending on the type of work.


Review form (thematic articles)

Global Appreciation

  1. The overall quality of the article is:*
  2. The article requires revision:*
  3. The relevance of the paper to the theme of the call for papers and the journal's scope is:*


  1. For its originality and theoretical and empirical or both contributions to the field of Communication Sciences, this article is:*


  1. The article's description of the reasons behind the research, including its relevance to the field of Communication Sciences is:*

Theoretical background

  1. In light of its coherence, clarity, and relevance to the subject explored, the theoretical grounding of this article is:*


  1. The methodological approaches in this article are:*


  1. On clarity and consistency, the conclusions drawn are:*


  1. As for the academic style, journal citation standards, title, and abstract appropriateness, this article is:*


  1. The way the article is presented, organised and written is:

Detailed review for the authors

Please justify your scores. This review will be sent to the authors.*

Comments for editors



Review form (Varia)

Global Appreciation

  1. The overall quality of the article is:*
  2. The article requires revision:*
  3. The contribution's relevance to the journal’s scope is:*


  1. For its originality and theoretical and empirical or both contributions to the field of Communication Sciences, this article is:*


  1. The article's description of the reasons behind the research, including its relevance to the field of Communication Sciences is:*

Theoretical background

  1. In light of its coherence, clarity, and relevance to the subject explored, the theoretical grounding of this article is:*


  1. The methodological approaches in this article are:*


  1. On clarity and consistency, the conclusions drawn are:*


  1. As for the academic style, journal citation standards, title, and abstract appropriateness, this article is:*


  1. The way the article is presented, organised and written is:


Detailed review for the authors

Please justify your scores. This review will be sent to the authors.*


Comments for editors



Review form (book reviews and interviews)

  1. The overall quality of the manuscript is:*
  2. The manuscript requires revision:*
  3. The relevance of the manuscript to the theme of the call for papers and the journal's scope is:*

Detailed review for the authors*

Please justify your scores. This review will be sent to the authors.

Comments for editors
