The Mediatisation of Experience in Historical Perspective: From the Theatres of the 1800s to the Cinemas of the 20th Century
mediatisation, mediated experience, theatre, cinema, historyAbstract
Mediatisation, a prominent concept in contemporary communication studies, is addressed in this article as a diachronic process warranting historical investigation. The focus is on the experiences of theatre and cinema audiences from the mid-19th century to the early decades of the 20th century. The study examines historical transformations in these mediated experiences through an analysis of literary works and contemporary press publications. Some evolutionary trends are identified, revealing significant, consistent patterns in the ways audience experiences of theatre and cinema have been transformed. This evolution is positioned within a long-term process of mediatisation, shaped less by the introduction of film and the technological innovations of cinema as a medium and more by changes in the sociocultural contexts and norms redefining audience practices in theatres. The article argues that the epistemological value of the concept of “mediatisation” relies on its integration with the notion of “mediation” and a symbolic understanding of experience. It challenges the adequacy of perspectives that prioritise technological change as the primary lens for understanding critical media transformations in modernity.
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