Greenwashing — The Danger of Generalised False Claims and How the Portuguese Media Represent This Practice
greenwashing, sustainability, “Race to Zero”, Corporate Climate Responsibility MonitorAbstract
The United Nations launched the “Race to Zero” campaign, which private companies have voluntarily joined in the quest to reduce carbon emissions by 2030. The results of this action can be found in the Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor, developed by the NewClimate Institute and Carbon Market Watch. This study aims to understand how the two largest Portuguese newspapers — Expresso and Público — report on the results of the “Race to Zero” campaign and how much the media focuses on greenwashing in the period before and after the release of the Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor, in 2022 and 2023. In search of answers to the following questions: how do Portugal’s two largest online newspapers approach greenwashing? And how visible is the report on the results of the “Race to Zero” campaign? Methodologically, the study follows two approaches: firstly, a non-systematic review of the latest literature on the concept of “greenwashing”; and, secondly, an empirical survey of qualitative/quantitative content analysis based on the online publications of the two largest newspapers in Portugal (Expresso and Público) during the period of publication of the Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor.
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