The Role of Television in Shaping Democracy: An Old Dream with a Big Future?




Dominique Wolton (1947) needs no introduction within social sciences and outside the Anglo-Saxon sphere. There are 35 works by the French sociologist spread across 26 countries and 23 languages. Outside the academy, his recognition is equally wide, belonging, for example, to the National Order of the Legion of Honour, the highest French distinction established by Napoleon and limited to only 75 living people. With a PhD in Sociology, he admits that his main objective is to study communication in an interdisciplinary fashion, focusing on the relationship between the individual, technique, culture and society. Among the many books published, the following stand out for discussion: Éloge du Grand Public. Une Théorie Critique de la Television (In Praise of the General Public: A Critical Theory of Television; Wolton, 1990); Penser la Communication (Thinking Communication; Wolton, 1997); Internet et Après? Une Théorie Critique des Nouveaux Médias (Internet and Then? A Critical Theory of New Media; Wolton, 1999); Sauver la Communication (Save the Communication; Wolton, 2005); Informer N’est pas Communiquer (Informing Is Not Communicating; Wolton, 2009); and Communiquer, C’Est Négocier (To Communicate Is to Negotiate; Wolton, 2022).


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Author Biographies

Abílio Almeida, Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal

Abílio Almeida, PhD in Communication Sciences, is a researcher at the Center for Communication and Society Studies (University of Minho).

Dominique Wolton, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, France

Dominique Wolton is director of the Center National de la Recherche Scientifique, founder and director of Hermès journal (CNRS Éditions) and president of the Conseil de l’Éthique Publicitaire.


Wolton, D. (1990). Éloge du grand public. Une théorie critique de la television. Flammarion.

Wolton, D. (1997). Penser la communication. Flammarion.

Wolton, D. (1999). Internet et après? Une théorie critique des nouveaux médias. Flammarion.

Wolton, D. (2005). Sauver la communication. Flammarion.

Wolton, D. (2009). Informer n’est pas communiquer. CNRS Éditions.

Wolton, D. (2022). Communiquer, c’est négocier. CNRS Éditions.



How to Cite

Almeida, A., & Wolton, D. (2024). The Role of Television in Shaping Democracy: An Old Dream with a Big Future?. Comunicação E Sociedade, 45, e024007.