The Hypertelevision in the Brazilian Mediatic Scenario: An Analysis of Strategies Adopted by the Streaming Platform Globoplay




Brazilian television, hypertelevision, Globoplay, streaming, TV Globo


This article endeavours to examine how Brazilian television has responded to technological trends in the context of media convergence within the realm of Brazilian television, with a specific focus on the streaming platform of Globo Group, the largest media conglomerate in Latin America, known as Globoplay. The central argument of this paper revolves around the various forms of engagement employed by the organisation as it seeks to adapt to the changing landscape of media. Using the case study method (Yin, 2015), this research correlates the theoretical framework with three central points aimed at discussing engagement in the era of media convergence as a foundation for television’s relationships with its advertisers, the creation of audiovisual products and projects, and, most importantly, its relationship with the contemporary audience. The analysis underscores the use of techniques such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, which aid the platform in reshaping its strategies and decision-making processes. In light of the findings and subsequent discussion, it can be inferred that the primary goal of these initiatives is to foster engagement among both its audience and advertisers.


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Author Biography

Valdemir Santos Neto, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Linguagem, Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina, Tubarão, Brazil

Valdemir Soares dos Santos Neto is a PhD student in the Programme of Postgraduate Studies in Language Sciences at the University of Southern Santa Catarina and holds a master’s degree from the same programme. He holds a scholarship from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, a Brazilian governmental entity supporting research. He also holds a specialisation in Communication, Brands, and Consumption from Anhembi Morumbi University. He is a member of the research group Memory, Affects, and Convergent Networks. His research focuses on the following themes: television, memory, nostalgia, and convergence culture. Currently, he is a Visiting Researcher at the Centre for Research in Arts and Communication at the University of Algarve.


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How to Cite

Santos Neto, V. (2024). The Hypertelevision in the Brazilian Mediatic Scenario: An Analysis of Strategies Adopted by the Streaming Platform Globoplay. Comunicação E Sociedade, 45, e024006.