New Frontiers of Investigative Journalism: From the Lone Wolf to the Pack




investigative journalism, quality journalism, day-to-day journalism, technology, market


This paper resorts to a literature review to cover 100 years of investigative journalism history, focusing on the concept by choosing journalistic investigation as the prime embodiment of high-quality journalism, providing a broad perspective on the topic.
Resuming the debate on the differences between investigative journalism and day-to-day journalism, which still creates rifts among the journalistic class, but also within academia, this article dismisses the all-encompassing view that all journalism is investigative.
By assessing the impact of external factors, such as the market and technology, on the matrix of the investigative journalism concept, this analysis seeks to identify potential solutions that can sustain the watchdog role associated with investigative journalism.
As such, this paper delves into the new frontiers of investigative journalism, simultaneously highlighting the potential of digital technology to keep powers under scrutiny in an increasingly complex world; create collaborative networks among journalists that expand the scope and enhance the impact of published stories; foster partnerships between media organisations, non-profit organisations and universities; and find long overdue solutions to ensure that investigative journalism reaches peripheral territories, where it still has an utterly marginal presence.


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Author Biography

Pedro Coelho, ICNOVA, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

Pedro Coelho is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University Lisbon, and SIC’s Grande Repórter (Great Investigative Reporter). He holds a PhD in media and journalism studies from NOVA University Lisbon. Integrated researcher at the NOVA Institute of Communication. He is the author of several major investigative reports and several scientific articles published in national and international journals on investigative journalism, academic training in journalism, reporting and neighbourhood journalism. He is the author, co-author and editor of six books, five academic and one of reportage. He has been honoured with several journalism awards, including two Gazeta de Televisão awards (2017, 2014). He has won two investigative journalism grants from the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. He is a founding member of the inter-school network (higher education) Repórteres em Construção. Pedro Coelho is president of the “V Congresso dos Jornalistas”. He was a member of the executive and organising committees of the “IV Congresso dos Jornalistas Portugueses”. He is a member of the International Press Institute and served on the General Council of the Union of Journalists until 2021.


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How to Cite

Coelho, P. (2023). New Frontiers of Investigative Journalism: From the Lone Wolf to the Pack. Comunicação E Sociedade, 44, e023015.



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