Mapping Maps of Alternatives: Diverse Economies and Modes of Mapping in Common
collaborative mappings, digital commons, diverse economiesAbstract
This paper’s object of study focuses on six maps produced in Portugal and Catalonia as communication devices of other possible worlds. Assuming the growing importance of digital maps in the network society, we want to contribute to learning more about their role in constructing alternatives to the dominant economy in times of systemic crisis. What lessons emerge from maps that propose deviations from capitalist roadmaps? What understandings do they provide about the maps themselves, ways of mapping, and the hoped-for alternatives? Rather than exploring maps as a product, we seek to contribute to an understanding of the interstitial forces of their pre-production, production, and reproduction. In the light of the theories of the commons, the dynamics of collaborative mapping of diverse economies are explored: diverse in terms of their knowledge policies, modes of governance and participation and, therefore, in how they handle digital technologies. The object of study is defined and united, in its variety, by the ideas of collective and commons. The data comes from direct observation of maps and interviews with stakeholders. The analysis is predominantly qualitative and aims to organise relevant findings and challenges, which can be extrapolated from the observed testimonies, practices and objects.
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