Not to Forget: Memory, Power and the Malê Archive in Amado’s Narrative




archive, power, Malê, memory, history


This article discusses the relations between power, memory, and the archive that surround the Malês revolt, a historical event narrated in Bahia de Todos os Santos: Guia de Ruas e Mistérios (Bahia de Todos os Santos: A Guide to the Streets and Mysteries) by the writer Jorge Amado (1977). It seeks to share reflections, tensions, and intentions that the contact with post-structuralist and decolonial studies can trigger before history, as a movement of insubmission able to potentiate a critique of official thought and the elected narratives. The Malê resistance and endeavor to protect their identity is a power expressed in Amado’s book, which denounces the physical, linguistic, religious, social, and historical violence experienced by the dehumanization of Black bodies and the erasure of the national history of these popular figures who had participation in struggles for freedom and were silenced in the nation’s official narratives. The work developed also aims to understand how the Brazilian novelist approaches these structures forged in the relations of power and control of history and memory used as mechanisms to erase the identities of ethnic minorities on Brazilian soil. The development of this study relied on the theoretical concepts of Derrida (1995/2001), Deleuze (1969/2009), Foucault (1969/2008), Mignolo (2003), Grosfoguel (1996), Quijano (2005), and Reis (1986).


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Author Biography

Tatiane Almeida Ferreira, Centro Universitário UNIFTC de Feira de Santana, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, Brazil

Tatiane Almeida Ferreira has a doctorate in literature and culture from the graduate program at the Federal University of Bahia. She has a master’s degree from the Graduate Program in Literature and Cultural Diversity from the State University of Feira de Santana, a specialist in the theory of literature and text production and teaching methodology, neuro-psycho-pedagogy, and special and inclusive education. She is graduated in vernacular literature from the State University of Feira de Santana, Tatiane Almeida is a reviewer of academic journals in the public school system of Feira de Santana. She is a professor at the UniFTC University Center in Feira de Santana and participates in a research group at the Federal University of Bahia.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, T. A. (2022). Not to Forget: Memory, Power and the Malê Archive in Amado’s Narrative. Comunicação E Sociedade, 41, 131–147.