Processes of Ethnic and Cultural Marginalisation in Post-Colonial Africa.The Case of the Amakhuwa of Mozambique


  • Luca Bussotti Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia and Centro de Estudos Avançados, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil/Universidade Técnica de Moçambique, Mozambique
  • Laura António Nhaueleque Centro de Estudos das Migrações e das Relações Interculturais, Universidade Aberta de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal



ethnic disregard, national identity, marginalisation, artistic production


Although the ethnic question has never been an explicit element in the construction of the Mozambican State, it has always characterised the country’s public life with relevant but generally disregarded tensions. During the liberation struggle, two ethnic groups allied, the “intellectuals” Ronga and the Makonde “guerrillas”, excluding the other peoples of Mozambique from this process that would indelibly mark the history of the post-colonial country. In the socialist era, the motto “kill the tribe to make the nation” continued to procrastinate “ethnic disregard”, prefiguring an unsuccessful attempt to impose the authoritarian socialist model formulated by the Ronga and Machangana onto the rest of the country. The same situation occurred with the democratic turn of the 1990s. Faced with formal pluralism, the elements of power, as well as prioritised cultural and artistic elements, were, once again, those produced in the south (timbila and marrabenta) and in the north, by the Makonde (mapiko and sculptures), to the detriment of other peoples, including the Amakhuwa, the most populous group in Mozambique. International donors and researchers contributed to this process of ethnic marginalisation by accepting and developing the agenda proposed by the Liberation Front of Mozambique, interpreting traditional practices, such as initiation rites, as violations of human rights. The research presented here explains how this long process of ethnic disregard was, in fact, a political program designed and implemented from the beginning of the liberation struggle and continued, with adaptations, until today, directly influencing the diffusion of local cultural and artistic production. The approach used is historical in nature, intermixed with analyses of Mozambique’s political and cultural policies.


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Author Biographies

Luca Bussotti, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia and Centro de Estudos Avançados, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil/Universidade Técnica de Moçambique, Mozambique

Luca Bussotti, of Italian and Mozambican nationality, is currently visiting associate professor at the Center for Advanced Studies (Africa Coordination) and the Graduate Program in Sociology at the Federal University of Pernambuco. He is also a professor in the Doctoral Program in Peace, Democracy, Social Movements and Human Development at the Technical University of Mozambique. He is a PhD in sociology of development from the University of Pisa (Italy, 2001) and did a post-doctorate at the Center for International Studies of the University Institute of Lisbon (Portugal, 2014). He has published around 20 books and over 100 articles in international journals, focusing on Lusophone Africa, most notably Mozambique. His principal field of research is political sociology, African national identities, and the history of contemporary Lusophone Africa.

Laura António Nhaueleque, Centro de Estudos das Migrações e das Relações Interculturais, Universidade Aberta de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

Laura António Nhaueleque, of Mozambican nationality, is a researcher at the Center for the Study of Migration and Intercultural Relations (Universidade Aberta) and a professor in human rights in the Masters in Human Rights, Economic Development and Good Governance at the Technical University of Mozambique. She holds a master’s degree in African studies from the University Institute of Lisbon, and is a PhD in intercultural relations from the Universidade Aberta of Lisbon. Her field of expertise is human rights in Africa, and African cultures, mainly from northern Mozambique, African philosophy and religion. She has published, as co-author, two books in Italy and several articles, as first or second author, in international journals, namely in Portugal, Brazil and the Netherlands.


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How to Cite

Bussotti, L., & Nhaueleque, L. A. (2022). Processes of Ethnic and Cultural Marginalisation in Post-Colonial Africa.The Case of the Amakhuwa of Mozambique. Comunicação E Sociedade, 41, 149–167.