Repairing History and the Wrongs of Its Agents in O Regresso de Júlia Mann a Paraty




Black psychology, Sigmund Freud, Thomas Mann, Júlia Mann, memory


In this paper, I analyse Teolinda Gersão’s most recent book, O Regresso de Júlia Mann a Paraty (Júlia Mann’s Return to Paraty, 2021), through the concept of Black psychology developed by Wade W. Nobles. I intend to further elaborate on one of the novel’s central questions, posed by Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, whom Gersão (2021) turns into a fictional character-narrator: “can it be that we are unable to evolve in the ethical realm, just as we seem unable to love and feel compassion after all?” (p. 14). At the same time, dissect the wrongs of two of history’s most significant agents, both in the scientific and literary fields, the novel highlights. Intellectually influenced and influential, prominent figures in the history of literature, science, and thought in Gersão’s book were exposed for the same wrong: not critically questioning a world rooted in White hegemony, which erased the difference and dignity of the “other”. Drawing on Catherine Hall’s and Corinna McLeod’s work, among others, about writing history as a redressing process, I also demonstrate how O Regresso de Júlia Mann a Paraty engages in a critical and redeeming dialogue with the past reflected in the present.


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Author Biography

Sandra Sousa, Department of Modern Languages & Literatures, University of Central Florida, Orlando, United States of America

Sandra Sousa is a PhD in Portuguese and Brazilian studies from Brown University and an associate professor in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at the University of Central Florida. She is currently a researcher at PielaAfrica (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) and the Centre for Lusophone and European Literatures and Cultures. Sandra Sousa focuses her research on colonialism and post-colonialism; colonial literature; race relations in Mozambique; war, dictatorship and violence in contemporary Portuguese and Luso-African literature. She has published essays and reviews in the United States, Brazil and Portugal. She is the author of Ficções do Outro: Império, Raça e Subjectividade no Moçambique Colonial (Fictions of the Other: Empire, Race and Subjectivity in Colonial Mozambique; Esfera do Caos, 2015), Portugal Segundo os Estados Unidos da América (Portugal According to the United States of America; Theya Editores, 2021) and co-editor of the book Visitas a João Paulo Borges Coelho. Leituras, Diálogos e Futuros (Visits to João Paulo Borges Coelho. Readings, Dialogues and Futures; Colibri, 2017).


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How to Cite

Sousa, S. (2022). Repairing History and the Wrongs of Its Agents in O Regresso de Júlia Mann a Paraty. Comunicação E Sociedade, 41, 25–42.