Refuge and colonization of the future: borders built by words
colonization, journalism, narrative, refugees, timeAbstract
This paper aims to think the forced migration to Europe under the perspective of a journalistic narrative which is based in repetitions and reiterations of words. When they produce meaning it results in a strait view where the migrant and refugee are the reason of disorder. Thus, we try to grasp how this process contributes to what we called colonization of the future, according to Giddens (2002) and Gomes (2004) concepts. In this process, an ordering is projected through the words based on a thought built during the European colonization. Its reminiscence is accumulated and form layers that appear in the journalistic narratives and on the borders. Narratives and borders are the metaphor and materialization of the conflict that impose to the migrant and to the refugee the condition of the difference, the condition to be the “other”. We propose that there is a journalistic narrative on the border that contributes to the production of meaning which its result is to discuss just for one perspective or just for one side of the borders. In this border scenery, thinking about a colonization of the future by the words lead us to understand that the journalism is also a constructor of invented time. To this paper, it was analysed some news from Brazilian newspaper Folha de São Paulo that were published between September and December 2015. There was in that moment a deeper debate concerning the refugees in Europe. We analysed the news from some keywords as refugees, borders and control.
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