Disposal and consumption: visual participatory narratives of children and adolescents living in Jardim Gramacho





participatory photography, childhood, sanitary landfill, consumption, photovoice


This article invites us to realize how a group of 16 children and young people, from four to 15 years, residents of the old landfill of Jardim Gramacho, in Rio de Janeiro, act as narrators of their own stories. Based on the analysis of the photographs produced by the group of participants, the article aims to understand how they visually represent contemporary social consumption practices and the disposal environment in which they live. The participatory photography is a tool for the construction and critical reflection of meanings that involve a critical perception around consumption, but not the acquisition of goods such as toys, play environments and other objects, through the photovoice method. The research is part of the project of social intervention “Olhares do Gramacho” that developed in November 2018 a set of workshops which culminated in a photographic exhibition at the end of the action.


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How to Cite

Meirinho, D. (2020). Disposal and consumption: visual participatory narratives of children and adolescents living in Jardim Gramacho. Comunicação E Sociedade, 37, 39–54. https://doi.org/10.17231/comsoc.37(2020).2388