Participation and relative autonomy in the EBC’s Curator’s Council


  • Allana Meirelles Vieira Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
  • Iluska Maria da Silva Coutinho Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora



Participation, relative Autonomy, EBC, public service


This paper aims to analyze the acting of the Curator’s Council of Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (EBC), the main space of civil society participation of the communication company of public service in the country. From the analysis of documents, it seeks to analyze the profile of the actors who take part of the Curator’s Council and the segments of civil society they represent, reflecting on the relative autonomy of the organism. In addition, it is adopted a content analysis of the debates about the EBC work plans in order to think about the participation of the actors in the deliberations of the Curator’s Council. In this sense, it is adopted a maximalist perspective of participation, understanding that it goes beyond the interaction with the content, in the media sphere. Similarly, it is understood the limitations of the representation process and, therefore, the proposal is to reflect on what groups can take part of this space, since the beginning of EBC until today. Furthermore, it is understood that the process of participation of civil society and the autonomy of the Curator’s Council reflect on the relative autonomy of the enterprise as a whole.





Como Citar

Vieira, A. M., & Coutinho, I. M. da S. (2016). Participation and relative autonomy in the EBC’s Curator’s Council. Comunicação E Sociedade, 30, 205–221.

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